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近日,邓秀新院士团队揭示了新发掘的脐橙棕色突变体‘宗橙’的突变机理,并进一步解析了柑果类果实发育过程中叶绿素降解和类胡萝卜素合成的协同调控机制,为未来柑橘色泽品质改良提供了重要理论依据。相关研究成果发表在国际学术期刊Plant Physiology上。



365英国上市网站官网邓秀新院士和美国纽约市立大学Eleanore T. Wurtzel教授为该论文的共同通讯作者,邓秀新院士课题组朱凯杰博士为该论文的第一作者。西班牙瓦伦西亚农业研究所、美国纽约植物园、秭归县柑桔良种繁育中心等单位也参与了此项研究。该研究在国家重点研发计划(2018YFD1000200)和国家自然科学基金(No. 31930095)的资助下完成。


Domesticated citrus varieties are woody perennials and interspecific hybrid crops of global economic and nutritional importance.The citrus fruit “hesperidium” is a unique morphological innovation not found in any other plant lineage.Efforts to improve nutritional quality of the fruit are predicated on understanding the underlying regulatory mechanisms responsible for fruit development, including temporal control of chlorophyll degradation and carotenoid biosynthesis. Here we investigated the molecular basis of the navel orange (Citrus sinensis)brown flavedo mutation, which conditions flavedo that is brown instead of orange. To overcome the limitations of using traditional genetic approaches in citrus and other woody perennials, we developed a strategy to elucidate the underlying genetic lesion.We used a multi-omics approach to collect data from several genetic sources and plant chimeras, to successfully decipher this mutation.The multi-omics strategy applied here will be valuable in driving future gene discovery efforts in citrus as well as in other woody perennial plants.The comparison of transcriptomic and genomic data from multiple genotypes and plant sectors revealed an underlying lesion in the gene encoding STAY-GREEN protein (SGR), which simultaneously regulates carotenoid biosynthesis and chlorophyll degradation. However, unlike SGR of other plant species, we found that the carotenoid and chlorophyll regulatory activities could be uncoupled in the case of certain SGR alleles in citrus and thus wepropose a model for the molecular mechanism underlying the brown flavedo phenotype.The economic and nutritional value of citrus make these findings of wide interest. The strategy implemented, and the results obtained, constitute an advance for agro-industry by driving opportunities for citrus crop improvement.


